Throughout our lives we have kissed a few (too many) frogs in the hope that they might just be our “prince charming”. If you're a bride-to-be and reading this magazine you have more than likely hit the jackpot and are with the man of your dreams, congratulations! If you have had your fair share of boyfriends before you finally met your fiancé, we're sure you can relate to this fun article. A study reveals that “The average woman will kiss 15 men, enjoy two long-term relationships and have her heart broken twice before she meets ‘The One’. Researchers found she will also suffer four disaster dates and be stood up once before she finally settles down with the man of her dreams." So how many frogs did you kiss before finding your fiancé? Here we have compiled a list of the different guys nearly every girl has dated throughout her life and if you haven't encountered some of them, count yourself lucky!
He gave you butterflies and was your first real love. You were between the ages of 14 and 18 and it was going to last forever! He was probably in your class in school, more than likely your first kiss and possibly who you lost your V-card to! These relationships tend to end as you both grow and mature and find your lives going in different directions with college etc. It is common that you would still be on good terms with this person and you may still be in touch. If he is the one you're marrying, you're a lucky woman because studies have shown that “less than 2% of all marriages are actually to a high school sweetheart.”
You are in college feeling free and independent and you meet a really cool guy. You're instantly attracted to his spontaneity and laid-back attitude. The only thing is he probably smokes, drinks, gets into fights or fails his exams. Within a week or two, you're crazy about each other. You're still finding yourself, exploring your options and you're enjoying living life on the edge. Unfortunately your friends don't particularly like him as they know he's no good. The word “commitment” isn't even in his vocabulary. This relationship is exciting but tends to fizzle out after a couple of months. Surely a few crazy stories from this one, it was fun while it lasted eh?
At some stage in your life you have encountered this person, they're the one that just won't let go. They're slightly obsessed with you and you considered filing a restraining order at one stage (dramatic? Me? Never!). This one possibly still pesters you to this day, unless you got a new phone number (and home address lol).
In the beginning you took it as a compliment that this person was completely infatuated with you but after a while, it becomes too clear that this is going to be a difficult one to shake-off. They show up at places they know you'll be, without an invite, constantly ask to make plans without any reciprocation and oh yes, you get a text/call from them EVERY hour of EVERY day. They become unbearably annoying so you let them down easily and surprise, surprise they don't take the hint. The stalking (hopefully) ends when you are left with no other option than to change your phone number. One positive thing you may learn from this relationship is how NOT to act in future relationships.
You met him in secondary school or college, he was always a friend that you never saw yourself being attracted to. He was there for you when you got your heart broken and you trust him with your secrets. One day, he escaped from the “friend-zone" and you don't even remember how. You were both drunk and kissed or you lead him on unintentionally. Either way, you two decided to give it a shot and unsurprisingly it didn't work out. You were attracted to each other but only to a certain extent. Sometimes these relationships don't end very well because you lose what was a great friend. On the other hand, if you two discover that you're better together as more than friends, you're very lucky. You've been through a lot together and can't imagine your life without them. Some of the strongest relationships have been built up
through years of friendships and tend to last a lifetime.
This is the one you will be walking towards as you make your way up the aisle. This guy gave you butterflies, but it was different butterflies to all of the others. It was exciting but beneath the surface it was sincere love. You saw potential in this man from the beginning but never thought you would be lucky enough to spend the rest of your life with him. He's sweet, caring, loves you with all of his heart and is all yours, forever. You have survived all of the terrible dates and heart breaks and came out with the perfect fiancé, Congratulations.